We collect Your Personal Information directly from You, from third-parties and automatically through the Our Website. This Personal Information, for instance, would relate to the type of device You are using, the time that You have logged on to Our Website.
The kinds of information that We collect about You include but are not limited to the following:
1. Patient/Caregiver/Doctor/Health Care Professional Name
2. Birth date/age
3. Gender
4. Address (including country and pin/postal)
5. Phone number/mobile number/Whatsapp number
6. Email address
7. Aadhar/pan/Passport card
8. Personal medical records and history
9. User details as provided at the time of registration or thereafter
10. Persnol , billing/transaction and medical history data and other data stored in Your user account
11. Any other information that is willingly shared by You (collectively referred to as “Personal Information”)
The methods by which we collect your Personal Information include but are not limited to the following:
1.When You fill the patient registration form
2. When You register on Our Website
3. When You provide Your Personal Information to Us during course of receiving services
4. When You use the features on Our Website
If You need to update or correct your Personal Information so you can login our hospital website link (link paste here after create hospital website) or you can contact on our hospital team.
The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We have adopted reasonable security practices and procedures including role-based access and need to know basis, password protection, encryption etc. to ensure that the Personal Information collected is secure.
While We will endeavour to take all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep secure any information which We hold about You and prevent unauthorized access, you acknowledge that the internet is not 100% secure and that We cannot provide any absolute assurance regarding the security of Your Personal Information. We will not be liable in any way in relation to any breach of security or unintended loss or disclosure of information caused by Us in relation to your Personal Information.